This relatively poor showing for the mon is surprising, in view of the high educational level, the high level of college grades, and the high proportion of professional workers among the men relative to the national average, when compared to the women's ratios, and in view of the relatively greater age of the male group. For what reason does this group of men fail fully to reflect the economic advantage possessed on the average by males over females in the nation as a whole? The occupational distribution, already referred to, may supply part of the answer: skilled trades relatively scarce among the male survey



group is a category that pays better than clerical work, and that is fairly important among male occupations nationally, though not among female. The relative scarcity of managers and officials among the men would also tend to lower the income figures for this group.

If we try to go beyond these facts to get at reasons for them, we are again on uncertain ground. Aro homosexual men perhaps less interested in the kinds of work that pay well in our society; or is it rather that well-qualified, well-educated homosexuals encounter more difficulty in getting and keeping the higher-paid jobs available to men, than do women homosexuals in getting and keeping the higher-paid jobs available to women? Reasons for such difficulties might include the handicap involved in climbing the higher rungs of the business ladder, for & man unequipped with the social asset of wife and family. Single women, on the other hand, while they are at a disadvantage compared to men, are not at all disadvantaged quite the contrary in comparison with their married female colleagues.


An alternate possibility is that the woman homosexual may be highly motivated to achieve success in fields once considered open only to men, or for other reasons to achieve more career-wise than her heterosexual sisters; whereas the psychology of the male homosexual would not lead him in this direction.

About 63% of the men served in the armed forces, of the se, 80% received honorable discharges, while another 5% received gene ral or medical discharges. The female